Monday, May 16, 2011

But wait . . .

Indeed! Here we are, dear internet. Opportunity abounds for writing both banal and insightful. Mostly I'm looking forward to entire posts made up of emoji. It will be my own personal, visual haiku.
I leave the interpretation to the reader.

Hello, World.

Greetings, internet! Bonjour, blogosphere! Here lies the first posting of the greatest familial blog the world has ever known. I say this because A) I frankly haven't delved much into familial blogs, and can't speak to their quality or consistency, in a general way; B) I'm quite looking forward to having this platform in which to pursue the semi-coherent musings of my brother and myself; C) I can't imagine what could possibly go wrong in such a forum. Am I right?

So bienvenue, readers! Here write Justin and Reba, a couple of relatables with opposite birthdays. More on that later! Stay tuned for dialogue and reflections on higher education, (f)unemployment, radical politics, keeping your spunk while moving away from degenerate status, marital bliss vs free love, identity crises re: "Am I a redneck?" and more. There's no down side!

Until the future, dear readers, adieu!